Company history_05

Good things have been going on this year. Let me give you some examples. Adopted as a manufacturing subsidyIn the "Establishment of efficient h

Company history_4

In addition, we started a business called drone wrapping by using scraps from car-wrapping. At first, there were no buyers at all, and I was hit with

Company history_3

A turning point came in 2016. A local veteran said, "Can't a drone make a town? Can you think of something?". At a time when we didn't know if drones

Company history_2

At that time, I happened to know the drone. At the moment I saw it, I was convinced that "This will certainly be the same business model as the automo

Company history_1

DAIYASERVICE was established by my father in 1974. We subcontracted the installation of car air conditioners, which were not standard equipment at the