CEO blog

Verification of use of drones in measures against harmful animals

The other day, we went to a hunting site with two drones, aiming to use them as a countermeasure against vermin. Actually, I’ve been there many times in the past.

  • DJI Mavic2 Enterprise Dual (M2ED)
  • DJI M200 with XT2 camera

Our company is seriously addressing the issue of harmful animals and does not believe that it is sufficient to simply recognize them as images. In order to ensure smooth operation in the field, we are steadily proceeding with the following data collection.

  • Equipment and cameras used
  • Optimal camera angle
  • Optimal flight altitude
  • Optimum airframe speed

By the way, the goal of this project is as below.

  • Realization of efficient hunting
  • Managing the number of heads of cattle through the use of big data

This time, we conducted a demonstration experiment on wild boars in cages and collected all kinds of data. I won’t go into details, but I’m sure there was at least a huge difference between M2ED and M 200 + XT2.

Left:M2ED、Right:M200 V2.0+XT2 camera (Attitude: 40m, Air temperature: 15℃, Night time)


We will continue to collect data, and in the near future we will work with AI systems to automatically detect and map harmful animals.
